
Happy Halloween 2023

Halloween is just around the corner, and here at Aiea Family Dental, we’re getting into the festive spirit just like the rest of you. As the leaves on our island palms remain evergreen and the tradewinds bring in that familiar touch of fall, we want to share some Halloween insights with you, from the perspective of those who know teeth best!

First, let’s talk candy. We all love the sweet treats that come with this spooky season, but remember, not all candies are created equal. Sticky or chewy sweets like taffy and caramel can cling to teeth, leading to longer sugar exposure. Opt for candies that melt and disappear quickly, like chocolate. And here’s a fun fact: Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that can be beneficial for your heart! So, enjoy that bite-sized piece without too much guilt.

Second, don’t forget to balance out the sweets. Hawaii offers a bounty of fresh fruits and veggies. Consider snacking on some delicious pineapple or papaya slices between the candies. Not only are they refreshing, but they also help clean the teeth and neutralize those sugary acids.

Lastly, while we’re all about enjoying the Halloween festivities, remember to stick to your oral care routine. After indulging in your Halloween haul, make it a point to brush and floss before hitting the bed. And for our keiki who might be joining in the trick-or-treating fun for the first time, make teeth brushing a fun activity. Perhaps they can brush alongside their favorite superhero or princess.

Remember, Halloween in Hawaii is all about community, sharing, and, of course, a little bit of spooky fun. Enjoy those treats, but also think of your teeth. And once the celebrations are over, feel free to pop into Aiea Family Dental for a post-Halloween check-up. We’re here to ensure your smiles stay as bright as our beautiful island sunsets. Happy Halloween!